The Maison Surface Restoration tile collection transports you in body and spirit to late 19th century France—deriving a new nostalgia from the era of vaudeville performances and putting a spotlight on creativity and playfulness. The color-confident palette of these artisanal designs draws from diverse sources such as theatre playbills and posters, and even the stage itself where musicians, dancers, and comedians plied their trade.
tile collection transports you in body and spirit to late 19th century France—deriving a new nostalgia from the era of vaudeville performances and putting a spotlight on creativity and playfulness. The color-confident palette of these artisanal designs draws from diverse sources such as theatre playbills and posters, and even the stage itself where musicians, dancers, and comedians plied their trade.

Five Ways Restoration Tile Design Can Perform
Like a star performer, Restoration can nimbly transform depending on the creative situation. What role do you need Restoration to take on? Here are five creative recommendations from our tile design team:

Add Unexpected Color & Texture (Nouveaux, Fortune, Revue, Houdini, Cabaret)
Add gusto to a kitchen renovation or bathroom remodel with Nouveaux’s colors, textures and detail to contrast with sleek finishes. Light and playful Fortune keeps any design clean and classy, while Revue gets rave reviews for open shelving patterns. Used for tile floors or walls, Houdini is one of those magical designs that’s just the trick for trends in quirky bold colors and forms. High-energy color pops are the hallmark of Cabaret—the perfect addition to liven up any space

Take Time Out (Bijou, Orpheum, Lyceum)
Using tranquil greens and delicate interlacing, Bijou can add a meditative feel to any space, from a yoga room to a home office, or add style to a kitchen backsplash. Orpheum whispers tranquility, whether in an elegant bath or backyard oasis. Lyceum’s boho-style patterning makes it an ideal fit for your favorite place to chill.
Create Natural Contrast (Bonton, Follies)
Artisanal tile can evoke even more beauty from natural wood. Bonton brings the revelry with a rainbow of colors to add more depth, while the retro floral color palette in Follies breathes fresh spring air into any design. Prefer to think back on the blues of joyful summers on the beach? It’s time for Frolic!

Time-Tested Tales (Commedia, Legend)
In addition to telling stories in adventure in rich purples and pinks, Commedia showcases the Restoration collection’s resilience in high-traffic applications. Legend uses timeless taupes that can go anywhere, rated for any surface.
Small Spaces, Big Impact (Waverly, Jubilee)
Open, airy patterns can anchor small spaces without overwhelming the eye. Waverley is an ideal choice for an eclectic contemporary vision, while Jubilee creates a celebratory accent in any small space bath or kitchen backsplash.
Start Here with Restoration Tile
Ready to get nostalgic with our Restoration collection? Contact us today to learn how we can help you find the perfect tile materials and styles for your project, offer installation tips, and more: [email protected] or call 1-833-ART-TILE.
Restoration Magazine
We consider the covers as instruction of style, material & how to use each collection. I expand in the magazine per pattern on style notes and application suggestions. So, we need all our language to match. You have done such a great job at keeping our language approachable and conversational.
The Maison Surface Restoration tile collection transports you in body and spirit to late 19th century France—deriving a new nostalgia from the era of vaudeville…
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